Monday, January 21, 2008


Eagerly awaiting the birth of my newest granddaughter, brought back (for some unknown reason), memories of my paternal grandmother (Alice Louise Candler Hines), sharing some remembrances of her life with babies. She shared with me a time when my grandpa was in the "great war" (WWI) and she was alone with 3 children. My grandparents were British and they lived near the water. Grandma said there was no running water near the house, so she had to go down to the river(?) to bring water for all their needs into the house. It also seemed that she was warned that the ememy might access that area to infiltrate . I cannot imagine what fear that must have implanted into this mother's heart. Alone with 3 little ones, one a babe in arms. I remember my grandmother always being this calm, stoic woman. Looking back, was that where she developed this trait or was she always that way.? She said, nappies(diapers) became a huge problem,due to the water factor. Therefore, only those soiled nappies were washed, the wet ones were just strung indoors to dry. Many years later, I also had diapers to wash, but, I had a Washing machine and hot indoor water. What a great invention disposable diapers are!!


Unknown said...

Mom, I'm so happy to read your blog! Keep the stories coming! Love, Laura

Anonymous said...

Ah.. you are finally allowing anonymous comments! I think this is a great idea and love hearing these little tidbits I didn't know before. (And I love you too!)
~ Susan

Mark Beadnell said...

I'm glad you're using the blog mom! I'm looking forward to reading about your life, and your perceptions of the family life! :) I love you.